A new technique, chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST), that measures specific molecules in the body, may enhance clinical decision making in the treatment of patients with heart disorders, according to a recent study. The new MRI method maps creatine in the heart at higher resolutions to help clinicians detect abnormalities earlier than they can with traditional diagnostic methods.
The technique will allow physicians to pinpoint regional changes in the heart that occur after heart attacks, helping to identify and treat patients at risk of developing heart failure before symptoms develop. The increased sensitivity with CEST can help detect small damaged areas of the heart that may be missed by conventional imaging.
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— Barbara Worthington, editor |
MRI-Measured Creatine Levels
May Detect Heart Problems Earlier
A new MRI method to map creatine at higher resolutions in the heart may help clinicians and scientists find abnormalities and disorders earlier than traditional diagnostic methods, researchers at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania suggest in a new study recently published online in Nature Medicine. The preclinical findings show an advantage over less sensitive tests and point to a safer and more cost-effective approach than those with radioactive or contrasting agents.
Creatine is a naturally occurring metabolite that helps supply energy to all cells through creatine kinase reaction, including those involved in heart contractions. When heart tissue becomes damaged from a loss of blood supply, even in the very early stages, creatine levels drop. Researchers exploited this process in a large animal model with a method known as chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST), which measures specific molecules in the body, to track the creatine on a regional basis.
The team, led by Ravinder Reddy, PhD, a radiology professor and the director of the Center for Magnetic Resonance and Optical Imaging at Penn Medicine, found that imaging creatine through CEST MRI provides higher resolution compared with standard MR spectroscopy (MRS), a commonly used technique for measuring creatine.
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DVTCare System
The DVTCare System, a battery-powered intermittent pneumatic compression device, is an in-home technology designed to help reduce patients’ risk of developing deep vein thrombosis following hospital discharge. Learn more »
Neurometrix Sensus
Pain Management System
The Sensus Pain Management System is a device worn around the calf to alleviate the pain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. The Sensus Ssystem uses transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation to deliver electric currents that stimulate nerves. The FDA has approved the use of the device during sleep, since it can sense electrode dislodgement and avoid electric risks. Learn more » |
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