A recent study has identified among older adults a high incidence of anisometropia, or differing levels of visual abnormalities between the eyes. The aging-related condition, when left uncorrected, can lead not only to vision difficulties but also can contribute to falls in the elderly.
Elders over the age of 65 are considered to be at high risk of anisometropia and should be screened regularly to detect this vision discrepancy between their eyes. It’s critical to make the diagnosis and ensure correction for both eyes.
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— Barbara Worthington, editor |
Vision Prescription
Often Differs
Between Eyes
Follow-up in older adults shows a high rate of anisometropia, or differing levels of visual abnormalities between their eyes, according to a study in Optometry and Vision Science.
“Uncorrected anisometropia is likely to lead to disturbances in binocular vision and stereopsis, which in turn may contribute to falls in the elderly,” concludes the new research, led by Gunilla Haegerstrom-Portnoy, OD, PhD, FAAO, of the University of California, Berkeley. Researchers emphasize the importance of appropriate vision correction in both eyes for older adults, especially at more advanced ages.
The researchers analyzed vision examination results in 118 older adults followed for more than 12 years, from an average age of 67 to 79 at the end of the study. The study focused on the development of anisometropia, defined as a significant difference (one diopter or more) in prescription (refractive error) between the two eyes in one of four components.
During the study period, the prevalence of anisometropia increased significantly. For each of the four prescription components, the prevalence of anisometropia approximately doubled. As the participants approached the age of 80, 32% met the study definition of anisometropia.
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IntelligentM Smartband
The IntelligentM system provides on-the-spot notification of noncompliant hand hygiene events for the manner in which workers perform hand washing and when it should occur. The system involves health care workers wearing Smartbands that interact with tags on sanitizer and soap dispensers and on equipment such as IV packaging. The system uses vibrations to alert the wearer of noncompliance.
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My Prostate Cancer Coach
My Prostate Cancer Coach is an online resource that empowers men and their family members to better understand treatment options through a personalized risk information guide. It features an interactive questionnaire related to a man’s prostate cancer diagnosis, which generates a guide to treatment options, potential side effects, and questions to ask physicians. Learn more » |
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