Boomers in Nursing Homes: Ready or Not, Here They Come
From considerations regarding drugs, sex, rebellion, and rock and roll to end-of-life care issues, baby boomers will challenge long term care facilities to institute new policies. Read more »
EuroQol Measures Stroke Outcome
The EuroQol assessment provides meaningful information about stroke survivors' perceptions of resulting stroke-related physical deficits and their own quality of life. Read more »
Poststroke Depression
The risk of depression in stroke survivors is double that seen in the general population. Read more » |
Exercise Eases Knee Osteoarthritis Temporarily
An article in The Philadelphia Inquirer suggests that weight-bearing exercise can reduce pain and improve joint function over the sort term for people with osteoporosis.
How House Calls Can Cut Medical Costs
Mounting evidence indicates that primary care in older adults’ homes can be more economical than a repeated cycle of emergency department visits and hospital stays, according to an article in The Wall Street Journal.
Study Says 30 Minutes of Exercise a Day Isn’t Enough
An article in The Washington Post suggests that 30 minutes of exercise per day is inadequate to produce significant health benefits, adding that doubling or quadrupling the exercise time is desirable.
Near the End, It’s Best to Be ‘Friended’
Being “unbefriended” can lead to confusion and uncertainty in older adults’ end-of-life treatment choices, according to an article in The New York Times. |
Geriatrics Goes High Tech
How many times have you heard the story of a patient who had fallen and was “found down”—with no witnesses to the fall? The patient has no recollection of the fall. Who knows what happened?
One day last spring, a proactive caregiver showed me how easily a caring family can follow what is happening in the day-to-day life of an elder alone at home. Right in my office as the patient was saying, “Next thing I knew, I was on the ground,” her daughter turned her iPhone screen my way and showed me exactly what had happened. The fall occurred when the patient got tangled up in her bed’s comforter and fell right next to the bed, narrowly missing the chest of drawers but hitting her head soundly on the floor.
The video footage came courtesy of Dropcam. It represents just one of a wide range of technological products and services that are enhancing care for aging loved ones. Certainly there are costs for some families, and in some cases you may question whether a technology impinges on an individual’s privacy or dignity. But in most cases, these devices and services provide added security for elders who value independence and caregivers who value dignified support.
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