Heart health is, of course, of particular concern to geriatricians and their patients. A recent study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology explores the link between the risk of heart failure and five dietary patterns, finding that a Southern diet, rich in fried and processed foods as well as sweet drinks, brought the greatest risk, while plant-based diets were associated with the least in participants without known heart disease at baseline. Participants, who included 16,608 black and white individuals older than 45, answered a survey about 107 food items within five defined diets. In addition to the plant-based and Southern diets, the categories included a convenience diet, made up of a largely of meat, pasta, pizza, fast food, and Mexican dishes, and an alcohol/salads diet, which highlighted leafy greens with salad dressing and was “heavy” on beer, wine, and liquor. Compared with those who least closely followed a plant-based diet, those who were most adherent had a 41% lower risk of hospitalization for new heart failure.
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— Kate Jackson, editor |
Plant-Based Diets Can Be Effective in Reducing Heart Failure Risk
Plant-based diets are associated with a lower risk of heart failure in adults without known heart disease, while Southern diets consisting of more fried and processed foods and sweetened drinks are associated with greater risk, according to a study recently published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology that looked at the association between five dietary patterns and risk of heart failure.
Heart failure affects more than 5.7 million adults, and that number is expected to rise. Heart failure prevention strategies currently emphasize quitting smoking, managing high blood pressure, and maintaining a healthy diet and weight to prevent heart disease, but research is limited on dietary patterns and incident heart failure in patients without heart disease.
Researchers in this study looked at five major dietary patterns that were identified within the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) study population and examined the association between those patterns and incident heart failure hospitalizations in REGARDS participants without known heart disease or heart failure at baseline. Within the REGARDS study, researchers narrowed their sample size to 16,608 black and white adults aged 45 years old and older.
Participants were sent a 150-question survey based on 107 food items, which were categorized into the following five predetermined diets:
- Convenience diet (heavily meat dishes, pasta, Mexican dishes, pizza, and fast food);
- Plant-based diet (vegetables, fruit, beans, and fish);
- Sweets/fats diet (heavy on desserts, bread, sweet breakfast foods, chocolate, and other sugar);
- Southern diet (heavy on fried food, processed meats, eggs, added fats, and sugar-sweetened beverages); and
- Alcohol/salads diet (heavy on wine, liquor, beer, leafy greens, and salad dressing).
Full story » |
Gun Ownership & Older Adults — When Is It Time to Take Action?
The conversation about whether older adults should give up their firearms is difficult for patients, their families, and their health care providers. But with guns present in more than one-third of older adults’ homes, and with 13% of home occupants having some degree of dementia, the conversation is crucial. Read more »
All Eyes on Diet — Nutrition to Prevent and Treat Macular Degeneration
The prevalence of age-related macular degeneration is climbing worldwide. Nutrition may help prevent the condition or stem its progression. Read more »
Art-Based Activities May Prevent Delirium
Recent study findings support the addition of art-based interventions as another method to promote cognitive stimulation and reduce incident delirium in hospitalized older adults. Read more » |
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Overcoming the Stigma of Dementia and Isolation of Caregiving
A report in The San Diego Union-Tribune suggests that stigma stands in the way of support for people with dementia and their caregivers. Just as people have stigmatized individuals with behavioral health conditions and diseases such as AIDS, as dementia increases, Americans increasingly withdraw support from people suffering from dementia and may reject their caregivers as well. The article looks at ideas for reversing the trend.
10 Years After Alzheimer’s Report: Any Progress?
A Forbes reporter with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease looks at what progress has been made since “A National Alzheimer’s Strategic Plan: The Report of the Alzheimer’s Study Group” was released 10 years ago. He discusses recent disappointments, doubts about the amyloid theory, the increasing importance of lifestyle changes as risk reduction factors, and the future of medications.
Why Lifting Weights Can Be So Potent for Aging Well
The New York Times reports on a new study suggesting that weight training not only boosts muscle mass and strength in older adults, but also increases their confidence and motivation. Researchers studied healthy, active individuals between 65 and 75 who participated in a supervised program of weight training twice a week at the beginning and found that confidence was key to their continued participation.
Research Suggests Moisturizing Skin Could Help Cut Risk of Dementia
According to University of California San Francisco researchers, age-damaged skin may be a contributor to numerous chronic age-related conditions, including Alzheimer’s disease. The culprits are inflammatory cytokines that trigger total body inflammation. In an experiment, the researchers found that the application of skin cream twice daily for a month resulted in dramatic reduction in cytokines—to a level nearly equivalent to that of 30-year-old individuals, reports The Sacramento Bee. |
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Facilities can now use new functionalities of MealSuite, a food service and dietary software, to determine refrigerator and freezer temperatures in order to prevent loss associated with appliance failure. MealSuite provides dietary, food service, and point of sale software for health care operators and senior living facilities in the United States and Canada. Learn more »
SecuraTrac Mobile Defender Model S
An employee safety solution, the Mobile Defender Model S, or MD-S, SecuraTrac’s next-generation mPERS mobile emergency pendant, provides information about employee locations and gives them an instant link to help in emergencies. It also has a built-in capability to detect whether an employee has fallen or been knocked down and to trigger a call for help. Learn more » |
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