A new study by researchers at The Ohio State University found that early documentation of hospice patients’ end-of-life wishes reduced undesired interventions and hospitalizations. An analysis of 1,185 cancer patients’ records demonstrated that prominent notes in the electronic health record drawing attention to advance care planning actions decreased the likelihood of hospital admissions, particularly when entered in the record at least six months before patients’ deaths. In addition, the researchers found that a do-not-resuscitate order verified prior to patients’ last 30 days of life reduced the odds of hospitalization.
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— Kate Jackson, editor |
Early End-of-Life Planning Improves Quality of Life
Careful documentation of a hospice patient’s end-of-life wishes—and prominently noting that information in health records early—could prevent unwanted hospitalizations and medical interventions, a new study suggests.
Researchers at The Ohio State University analyzed the health records of 1,185 cancer patients who had been referred to hospice and found that a verified do-not-resuscitate order, or DNR, before the last 30 days of life reduced the odds of hospitalization. A prominent note in the electronic health record (EHR) indicating advance care planning (eg, discussions with providers on legal directives, a living will, or a health care power of attorney) also reduced the chances of admission—especially if that note was made at least six months prior to death.
Once a terminally ill patient transitions into hospice care, the goal is to avoid hospitalizations and procedures that are unnecessary and unwanted, says Laura Prater, PhD, MPH, MHA, the study’s lead author and a postdoctoral researcher in the division of general internal medicine at Ohio State’s College of Medicine.
The aim is twofold: to respect the wishes of the patient and to focus on quality of life and pain management. On top of that, keeping hospice patients out of the hospital reduces medical costs.
“Our research supports the importance of sharing your wishes with your physician and your family, and suggests that doing that earlier can prevent unwanted procedures and hospitalizations that don’t align with your priorities and deteriorate your quality of life,” Prater says.
Full story » |
New Findings in Age-Related Hearing Loss
While age-related hearing loss is irreversible, new research about factors linked to risk may help prevent the problem. Read more »
There’s More Than One Type of Vitamin E
Discover one form with big antiaging benefits. Read more »
Artificial Intelligence in the Fight Against AD
Early detection of Alzheimer’s disease is a challenge, but advancements in artificial intelligence offer the potential for timely treatment and early intervention based on a combination of machine-learning algorithms and neuroimaging technology. Read more » |
No-Lift Patient Transfer Technology
From Next Health, the Agile Life R2.0 Transfer and Mobility System eliminates patient discomfort, caregiver lifting, and risks of complications related to immobility. The first-of-its-kind no-lift patient transfer technology, the system integrates a powered hospital bed, manual wheelchair, commode, and docking system. It’s controlled by a hand-held controller that directs the components to work together for transfer and in-bed repositioning. Learn more »
Supportive Seating Helps Prevent Falls
For wheelchair patients whose posture and positioning make them unsafe and prone to falls, Broda’s Elite Tilt Semi-Recliner provides supportive seating that improves posture to help prevent accidents. The chair also redistributes pressure and air flow to improve comfort and prevent pressure ulcers. Learn more » |
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A Nutritional Approach to Reducing Prostate Cancer Risk
Mushrooms are increasingly recognized as a powerhouse food. Now, results of a 25-year study involving 36,499 men aged 40 to 79 suggest that men who regularly consume mushrooms lower their risk of getting prostate cancer. Newsweek reports that participants who ate mushrooms once or twice a week were 8% less likely to develop this common cancer in men. But those who consumed them three or more times a week were 17% less likely to develop prostate cancer. The effect is believed to be due to the presence in the fungi of L-ergothioneine, an amino acid.
Decreasing the Cost of Disease Prevention for Low-Income Americans
A study of 300 people aged 45 to 47 has found that, for low-income Americans, risks for conditions that result in heart attacks and strokes can be reduced by an inexpensive pill—not yet available in the United States—that combines low doses of three blood pressure medications and a cholesterol drug. The Los Angeles Times reports that the study was funded by the American Heart Association and the National Institutes of Health.
Long-Lasting Relief for Depression
The use of brain-stimulating implants for patients not helped by standard therapies for depression—medication, talk therapy, and electroshock treatment—produced positive and sustainable results. According to The New York Times, reporting on a study in the American Journal of Psychiatry, the small study suggests that deep brain stimulation, known to help Parkinson’s disease patients, may offer promise to individuals with severe refractory depression.
Health Worries Increase With Age
Anxieties about increasing health vulnerabilities tend to ratchet up in people in their 50s and 60s—the decades when symptoms of illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease often appear for the first time. Some worry is normal, but too much can negatively affect well-being. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports on the role doctors play and what can be done to allay the worries. |
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