What represents remission of type 2 diabetes? A new consensus statement explains that individuals who sustain a normal glucose level—defined as an HbA1c of 6.5—for three months or more after discontinuing diabetes medication are in remission. The international group of experts recommends that testing to determine maintenance of remission should be done at least yearly along with tests that assess for potential complications of diabetes.
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— Kate Jackson, editor |
Diagnosis Criteria for Diabetes Remission
People with type 2 diabetes should be considered in remission after sustaining normal blood glucose (sugar) levels for three months or more, according to a new consensus statement from the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the Endocrine Society, the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, and Diabetes UK jointly published in Diabetes Care, the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, Diabetologia, and Diabetic Medicine, respectively.
About 10% of the US population has diabetes, and these numbers continue to rise. People with type 2 diabetes can reach “remission” by sustaining normal blood glucose levels for at least three months without taking diabetes medication. There is still a lot of uncertainty around how long remission lasts and what factors are associated with a relapse. Continued follow-up with the health care team is warranted for ongoing monitoring of glucose changes and diabetes complications. The long-term effects of remission on mortality, heart health, and quality of life are not well understood.
“Our international group of experts suggest an HbA1c (average blood glucose) level of less than 6.5% at least three months after stopping diabetes medication as the usual diagnostic criterion for diabetes remission,” says statement author and Editor in Chief of the ADA’s Diabetes Care, Matthew Riddle, MD, of Oregon Health & Science University in Portland. Riddle is chair of the Diabetes Remission Consensus writing group that developed the statement. “We also made suggestions for clinicians observing patients experiencing remission and discussed further questions and unmet needs regarding predictors and outcomes.”
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COVID & Nutrition
The pandemic has changed nutrition practice in postacute care, long term care, and assisted living settings. Read more »
Managing Dysphagia
Safety, variety, and training are important factors in caring for patients with swallowing disorders. Read more »
Meals on Wheels
For older homebound patients who are struggling with their meals, Meals on Wheels is a crucial resource. Read more » |
Keeping Residents of Senior Living Communities Connected
From Status Solutions, CATIE is a tool that helps residents of senior centers and senior living communities have a direct line of communication with staff, family members, and other residents and allows them to manage day-to-day responsibilities such as ordering meals and groceries and scheduling doctor visits. Learn more »
Helping Clinicians Detect Cognitive Impairment
BrainCheck is an FDA Class II medical device that uses proprietary algorithms to help clinicians detect cognitive impairment from any cause, including dementias such as Alzheimer’s disease. Patients play interactive games on a tablet or computer for approximately 15 minutes in order to assess brain functions such as short- and long-term memory, attention, and cognitive processing. Learn more » |
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The Cost of Aging
Richard Johnson, an economist and director of the Program on Retirement Policy at the Urban Institute, performed a study for the Department of Health and Human Services to try to determine what portion of the population will require significant assistance as they age. As other researchers have found, according to a New York Times report, he determined that roughly 70% of older adults will need help from family or paid caregivers in their homes or in long term care facilities. Other researchers have looked at whether the greatest needs are for short-term or long-term assistance.
On the Road to a Multipurpose Diagnostic Tool
Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease is crucial, yet difficult to achieve. But that could change thanks to a new technology developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. This spectral phenotyping relies on skin cells; scientists measure how the molecules in cells vibrate when they’ve been exposed to infrared light, a process the lead researcher noted might be described as cellular fingerprinting.
Brain Health: What’s Clean Air Got to Do With It?
Plenty, according to two researchers from the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology who’ve found an association between air pollution and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease and more rapid cognitive decline. Their findings were described in a research letter published in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association and reported in Science Daily.
COVID’s Toll on Caregivers
During the pandemic, the needs of caregivers have been overlooked, resulting in stress, isolation, and depression. The findings of a study published in the journal Innovation in Aging that relied on data from the National Poll on Healthy Aging stress the need for caregivers to be considered when health systems and clinic personnel as well as public policymakers make decisions related to the pandemic. |
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