Although not yet widely available, a new minimally invasive procedure offers promise as an alternative strategy for reducing the size of noncancerous thyroid nodules. At California’s Providence St. Johns Cancer Institute, an endocrine surgeon has performed the first thyroid radiofrequency ablation, which, though not as effective as surgery, shrinks and destroys thyroid tumors.
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— Kate Jackson, editor |
Radiofrequency Ablation Reduces Size of Benign Nodules in Thyroid
An endocrine surgeon at the Providence Saint John’s Cancer Institute (SJCI) in Santa Monica, California successfully conducted the organization’s first thyroid radiofrequency ablation (RFA). The minimally invasive procedure, which is not yet readily available in the mainstream health care industry, is designed to reduce the size of noncancerous nodules.
Melanie Goldfarb, MD, director of the Center for Endocrine Tumors and Disorders at SJCI, recently carried out the procedure, which lasted less than an hour—an expected timeframe for this outpatient procedure—at Providence Saint John’s Health Center.
“There’s a lot of potential for this technology,” says Goldfarb, who notes the commonality of abnormal growths in the thyroid. “This procedure isn’t widely available yet, and it won’t be appropriate for everyone, but it gives patients a really reasonable alternative to surgery.”
RFA is a relatively nascent practice that uses radio waves to systematically burn and kill unwanted tissue. As of now, this technique is only approved for benign nodules that are symptomatic, growing, and/or of cosmetic concern.
Using technology developed by Taewoong Medical, patients who undergo RFA should expect the procedure to last 15 to 40 minutes depending on the size of the lesion, and then will be kept another 15 to 20 minutes for observation.
While RFA is a proven method to shrink and destroy thyroid tumors, Goldfarb says the procedure is not as effective as surgery.
“It’s not as definitive (as surgery)—nodules can grow back—but it’s still very effective,” she says. “The side effects of RFA are minimal compared with the alternative, which can sometimes lead to patients having to take medications the rest of their lives if it means having to remove the thyroid.”
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Targeting Neuroinflammation
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Geriatric Kidney Disease
By applying time-honored principles of geriatric medicine—consideration of psychosocial issues through multiple disciplines and respect for patient autonomy—geriatricians can better support older adults living with advanced kidney disease. Evidence-based medicine can sharply improve outcomes and quality of life in this population. Read more »
Closing Care Gaps
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Project Lifesaver
To save lives and reduce the risk of injury, Project Lifesaver helps locate individuals with dementia who wander. When an individual’s caregiver notifies their local Project Lifesaver agency that the care receiver is missing, a trained emergency response team initiates a search, aided by an individualized tracking signal emitted by a transmitter worn on the wrist or ankle. Learn more »
Ready Set Care
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The Case for Sleep as a Vital Sign
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Taking Time for Drug Therapy for Heart-Related Chest Pain New research published in the journal Circulation suggests that many people who experience chest pain with exertion may benefit from medical therapy rather than stents or cardiac surgery—an approach that needs time to bring results.
The Up- and Downside of Patient Monitoring
New patient monitoring systems are helping keep older adults with cognitive decline safe, but among the downsides are a lack of coverage by Medicare or private insurers, privacy concerns, and the potential for reduced quality of care. The Washington Post reports on the pros and cons. |
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