AGS Conference PreviewGet Up to Date on Geriatrics at AGS18By Heather Hogstrom From May 3–5, health care providers and geriatrics professionals can join the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) in Orlando, Florida, for its 2018 Annual Scientific Meeting. With the conference taking place at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort, AGS18 attendees can extend their stay to take advantage of discounted theme park tickets. From a fun time catching up with colleagues to insights from leading authorities in the geriatrics field, attendees may find plenty to discuss and photograph. When tweeting or sharing photos online, social media users can tag their conference posts with #AGS18. Many preconference sessions and networking events will be available on Wednesday, May 2, including an American Board of Internal Medicine Maintenance of Certification Learning Session covering the 2017 Update in Geriatric Medicine, education on the Management of Chronic Pain in Older Adults in an Era of Scrutiny, and the opening reception. Throughout the conference there will be many networking opportunities for a variety of special interest groups, and all attendees can mingle at the dance party reception on Thursday evening. In addition to networking, the event tracks encompass clinical practice, education, ethics, models of care, professional development, public policy, and research. For example, the clinical practice track includes sessions such as “The Annual Wellness Visit: A Win-Win for Geriatrics Healthcare Providers and Older Adults,” “Management of Arthritis in Older Adults,” and “Cannabis Use in Older Adults: Friend or Foe?” Models of care symposia include “Volume to Value: What a Geriatrician Should Know About Value-Based Care” and “The Future Is Now: Dementia Care Management for High Impact, High Value Care,” while the education events include “The New AGS National Online Curriculum: Innovative Ways to Be a Quicker, Better Geriatrics Educator for All Learners” and the Education Product Showcase, which will exhibit an array of teaching tools. There will not be a hard copy of the AGS18 program, so conference attendees are encouraged to download the annual meeting app, which is available on the App Store and Google Play, or access the schedule online at http://meeting.americangeriatrics.org. — Heather Hogstrom is an editorial assistant at Today’s Geriatric Medicine. |