GSA Conference PreviewGSA Addresses Attitudes on AgingBy Heather Hogstrom From November 16 to 20, New Orleans will host the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) Annual Scientific Meeting. GSA President Nancy Morrow-Howell, MSW, PhD, chose this year’s theme, “New Lens on Aging: Changing Attitudes, Expanding Possibilities,” to reflect a concern about ageism and how geriatricians can change ageist attitudes. Fitting this theme, the Presidential Symposia include the following sessions:
Throughout the five-day conference there are more than 500 scientific sessions from which attendees can choose. The Clinical Interventions Track focuses on the patient care implications of the research being presented and provides key takeaways geriatricians can incorporate into their practices. The Technology Track highlights issues such as older adults’ acceptance of technology and technology’s role in enhancing older adults’ independence and quality of life. While registering for the conference, attendees can also plan to attend preconference workshops and special events. For example, attendees can kick off Saturday morning with a Fun Run/Walk from 6 to 7 AM, and end the day enjoying music at Bo Diddley Blues Club: A New Orleans Blues Night. For more information or to register, visit www.geron.org. — Heather Hogstrom is an editorial assistant at Today’s Geriatric Medicine. |