![]() January/February 2024
Statins: Reducing Racial Disparities Adequate statin prescriptions for racial minorities could help close the care gap. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and around the world.1 Statins are a first-line preventive therapy for patients at risk of heart disease and a first-line secondary treatment for patients who already have heart disease.2,3 However, there are significant racial disparities in the prescription of statins for both primary and secondary treatment. There are also racial disparities in long-term medication adherence. Reducing these racial disparities has significant potential to reduce the burden of heart disease in the United States and to improve the lives of at-risk patients. “[Statins] are highly effective in preventing complications of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks and strokes, and they have been recommended by major clinical guidelines for decades,” says Ravy K. Vajravelu, MD, MSCE, an assistant professor of medicine in the division of gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition at the University of Pittsburgh. “Ensuring that all our patients who are recommended to receive statins actually receive them is paramount for the overall health and health equity of the United States.” Racial Disparities in Heart Disease Risk and Mortality The rate of heart disease is highest among non-Hispanic white Americans. About 11.5% of non-Hispanic whites have heart disease, compared with just 9.5% of Blacks, 7.4% of Hispanics, and 6% of Asians.4 But although white Americans have the highest rate of heart disease diagnosis, they’re less likely to die of the disease than are their Black counterparts. The mortality rate for cardiovascular disease among white adults is only 180 out of 100,000, compared with 226 for Black adults.5 (The cardiovascular mortality rate for other racial/ethnic groups is lower: 155 for American Indians/Alaskan Natives, 119 for Hispanics, and 85.5 for Asians). There are significant disparities not just between racial groups but also within various racial subgroups. In particular, Asian Americans have the lowest rate of heart disease and the lowest heart disease mortality of all major racial groups, but this fact obscures the significant variation between Asians of different heritages. “The risk for South Asians is much higher than for East Asians,” says Dinesh Kalra, MD, a professor of medicine and chief of the division of cardiovascular medicine at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.6 One study of heart disease mortality among Asians found mortality among Indian Americans to be 147.15 per 100,000, compared with 97.21 per 100,000 among Vietnamese Americans. The mortality rates for Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, and Korean Americans fall somewhere in between.7 Racial Disparities in Statin Prescription and Adherence Last year, a large study published in JAMA Cardiology found that Black and Hispanic participants were much less likely to be taking statin therapy for primary prevention of heart disease than were white participants with the same level of risk.9 In this study, which was based on data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) for the years 2013 to 2020, the rate of statin therapy was 28% among eligible whites compared with just 20% of eligible Blacks and 15% of eligible Hispanics. Statin use among Asian participants was comparable to statin use among whites. A second study last year, published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, came to broadly similar conclusions. This study, also based on NHANES data but for slightly different years, again found that Black and Hispanic individuals were less likely to receive statin therapy than were their white counterparts.10 This study found that the discrepancies were present for both primary and secondary prevention, albeit with some nuances to the data. For primary prevention, the authors identified Black men and non-Mexican Hispanic women as being less likely to receive statin therapy compared with white males. For secondary prevention, Black men, other/multiracial men, Hispanic women, white women, and Black women were all less likely to receive statin therapy thanwere white men. The findings of these new studies are in line with previous research that’s also demonstrated higher utilization of statins among white patients compared with Black or Hispanic patients.11-14 Not only are racial minorities less likely to receive a statin, they’re also less likely to receive a statin prescription of the proper intensity. In 2018, researchers from Duke University studied 5,689 statin-eligible patients and found that Black participants were only slightly less likely than their white counterparts to be taking a statin (71% vs 75%), but they were much less likely to receive a statin at the intensity recommended by current guidelines.15 This was true for both primary and secondary prevention. The discrepancy in treatment, in turn, contributed to higher LDL cholesterol levels among Black individuals in the study compared with whites. The study authors concluded that differences in intensity of statin therapy probably contribute to the racial differences in cardiovascular disease burden between Blacks and whites in the United States.15 Importantly, disparities in statin use could arise at various levels—at the level of screening, at the level of prescriptions, or at the level of patient adherence to prescribed treatment. None of the studies just mentioned examined at what level the disparities arise, but fortunately, other studies have touched on that question. According to Kalra, screening is a comparatively small issue: in his experience, most patients who need a risk assessment receive it. The bigger problem is at the level of prescriptions: Research shows that a large number of patients who should be prescribed a statin based on their risk assessment never actually receive a prescription.11,16 However, disparities in prescriptions aren’t the end of the story. Other researchers also find that even among patients who receive a prescription, racial minorities are less likely to adhere to the prescribed treatment.14 Specifically, a 2013 meta-analysis found that nonwhite patients were 53% less likely than white patients to adhere to their prescribed statin treatment.17 Thus, the available research indicates that the disparities arise at the level of prescription but also at the level of patient adherence to a prescribed medication. Reasons for Disparities However, health care access doesn’t explain all the disparities in statin use. Even after controlling for variables such as education, household income, and health insurance, the researchers in the JAMA Cardiology study found that statin use was still significantly higher in whites (28.6%) than in Blacks (21.1%) or Hispanics (19.9%).9 The 2023 Annals of Internal Medicine study mentioned earlier likewise found that health care access didn’t completely account for the difference in statin use across races.10 “Our study demonstrates that structural factors, such as lower income and less health access to health care, do explain a portion of the disparities in statin use, says Vajravelu, the study’s senior author. “However, because the disparities in statin use persist after accounting for the effect of structural factors, we conclude that there are also other factors beyond structural factors that contribute to statin use disparities.” Vajravelu and his team hypothesize that those could be care-process factors, including bias, stereotyping, and mistrust. On the subject of mistrust, some research has documented racial differences in beliefs about the safety and effectiveness of statin therapy. In one study, for example, only 70% of Black participants believed statins were effective, compared with more than 74% of whites. The gap was even wider on the question of safety: 36% of Black participants believed statins were safe compared with 57% of whites who believed they were safe. The same study also identified a racial gap in patient confidence in their doctors: just 87% of Black participants, compared with about 95% of white patients, trusted their clinicians.15 Other research has found that Black patients have a less participatory relationship with their doctors than do white patients19 and that they experience poor communication quality with their doctors.20 These factors could help explain the lower levels of confidence Black patients have in both their doctors and in statin therapy. Reducing Disparities 1. Check your own prescribing patterns for racial bias. One way health care institutions can help physicians check for bias is by implementing health informatics systems that track clinicians’ adherence to evidence-based care—something that Vajravelu’s employer, the Department of Veterans Affairs, is working on. “These systems should enable health care providers to track their adherence among groups of patients to help them identify potential disparities,” Vajravelu says. But even in the absence of a health informatics system to monitor prescribing patterns, doctors can still simply stop and ask whether they are following evidence-based recommendations for patients in their care. “Don’t discount Black and Hispanic patients,” says Ambarish Pandey, MD, an associate professor in the department of internal medicine at UT Southwestern Medical Center. “Have a risk-based approach where you base decisions on risk and medical history, and not on ethnic race.” 2. Prioritize education and awareness for patients. 3. Engage in outreach. 4. Provide connections for needs that go beyond the clinic. 5. Be especially attentive to female patients. Above all, Kalra says, the most important thing for physicians to do is simply become aware of the racial disparities in statin use and embrace change in their own practices. “Physicians in general like to think that their house is in order, and if somebody else is not performing well, it’s not them,” Kalra says. “But across the board we see, no matter where you look in the United States, the rates of statin use in minorities, especially African Americans and Hispanics, are less than those for whites. So I would tell people to come up with a plan, to examine your own practice.” “As long as physicians are conscious, we will make progress,” Kalra concludes. n — Jamie Santa Cruz is a health and medical writer based in Parker, Colorado. Disclosure: Vajravelu is an employee of the Department of Veterans Affairs. These comments do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Veterans Affairs or the US government.
References 2. Arnett DK, Blumenthal RS, Albert MA, et al. 2019 ACC/AHA guideline on the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association task force on clinical practice guidelines [published correction appears in Circulation. 2019;140(11):e647-e648] [published correction appears in Circulation. 2020;141(4):e59] [published correction appears in Circulation. 2020;141(16):e773]. Circulation. 2019;140(11):e563-e595. 3. Otto CM, Nishimura RA, Bonow RO, et al. 2020 ACC/AHA guideline for the management of patients With valvular heart disease: executive summary: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association joint committee on clinical practice guidelines [published correction appears in Circulation. 2021;143(5):e228] [published correction appears in Circulation. 2021;143(10):e784]. Circulation. 2021;143(5):e35-e71. 4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health, United States Spotlight Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Heart Disease. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/hus/spotlight/HeartDiseaseSpotlight_2019_0404.pdf. Published April 2019. Accessed October 16, 2023. 5. Total heart disease deaths by race/ethnicity. KFF website. https://www.kff.org/other/state-indicator/number-of-heart-disease-deaths-per-100000-population-by-raceethnicity-2/. Accessed October 6, 2023. 6. Kalra DK. Bridging the racial disparity gap in lipid-lowering therapy. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021;10(1):e019533. 7. Jose PO, Frank AT, Kapphahn KI, et al. Cardiovascular disease mortality in Asian Americans. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2014;64(23):2486-2494. 8. Rodriguez F, Maron DJ, Knowles JW, Virani SS, Lin S, Heidenreich PA. Association of statin adherence with mortality in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. JAMA Cardiol. 2019;4(3):206-213. 9. Jacobs JA, Addo DK, Zheutlin AR, et al. 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Are there racial differences in the effectiveness of statins? References 2. Nanna MG, Navar AM, Zakroysky P, et al. Association of patient perceptions of cardiovascular risk and beliefs on statin drugs with racial differences in statin use: insights from the patient and provider assessment of lipid management registry. JAMA Cardiol. 2018;3(8):739-748. 3. Albert MA, Glynn RJ, Fonseca FA, et al. Race, ethnicity, and the efficacy of rosuvastatin in primary prevention: the Justification for the Use of Statins in Prevention: an Intervention Trial Evaluating Rosuvastatin (JUPITER) trial. Am Heart J. 2011;162(1):106-14.e2. 4. Simon JA, Lin F, Hulley SB, et al. Phenotypic predictors of response to simvastatin therapy among African-Americans and Caucasians: the Cholesterol and Pharmacogenetics (CAP) Study. Am J Cardiol. 2006;97(6):843-850. 5. Deedwania PC, Gupta M, Stein M, Ycas J, Gold A; IRIS Study Group. Comparison of rosuvastatin versus atorvastatin in South-Asian patients at risk of coronary heart disease (from the IRIS Trial). Am J Cardiol. 2007;99(11):1538-1543. 6. Kalra DK. Bridging the racial disparity gap in lipid-lowering therapy. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021;10(1):e019533. |