![]() March/April 2024
March/April 2024 Issue Nutrition Needs of Aging Adults People are now living longer but not necessarily healthier lives than their predecessors.1-3 The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests this is partially due to a person’s ability to make positive or negative health-related choices throughout their lifetime.1,3,4 Variables within an individual’s control include diet quality, level of physical activity, and hydration status. Environmental and socioeconomic factors also play a role, as cigarette smoking, pollution, food deserts, community, and access to medical care influence nutrition status.1,5 Recognizing and respecting the multitude of factors that contribute to a healthful lifestyle is crucial to the interdisciplinary team as they work to serve a diverse, aging population.1 Population Primary Health Concerns for Older Adults One of the primary challenges to feeding an aging population is the existence of multiple barriers to maintaining a healthful diet and making good food choices. Environmental stressors that may increase emotional and mental loads, chronic disease, sleep hygiene, physical activity, and lifestyle decisions like housing and retirement age/ability all can affect nutrition status.1 Per the Hellenic Longitudinal Investigation of Aging and Diet study, elevated risk of poor nutrition is directly correlated with marital status (unmarried older individuals carry the biggest risk), high body mass index (BMI), being male, less formal education, decreased cognitive engagement, and poor dietary habits.10 Some of these factors are within the control of the individual, and some are not, and it’s the job of the interdisciplinary team to help their clients identify which factors they may be willing and able to change. By acknowledging these barriers and being proactive, older adults may be able to delay the physical decline that affects quality of life and their activities of daily living.11 Food Insecurity Feeding Programs Another facet of feeding geriatric patients is resident meals at senior care facilities. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (the Academy) advocates for an individualized nutrition approach to be used in long term care and postacute care settings, arguing that food is directly related to the quality of life experienced by residents.14 This type of feeding approach is known as liberalized feeding, or the opposite of a therapeutic or modified diet. The more involved individuals can be in formulating their meal plans and expressing their dietary preferences, the less likely they are to experience malnutrition and a worsening in their chronic conditions.14 By actively working with a dietitian and other members of the health care team, older adults are more likely to consume adequate quantities of food, fluids, and nutrients.14 Malnutrition Malnutrition can be identified by a combination of the following criteria: if clients have lost >5% of their body weight within the last six months or >10% in over six months; if BMI is <20 kg/m2 and if <70 years, or <22 kg/m2 and if >70 years; if muscle mass decreases; if dietary intake decreases to ≤50% of energy requirements within a week or any reduction in two or more weeks; or if they experience a chronic gastrointestinal condition.11 These parameters were published in 2019 at the Global Leadership Initiative on Malnutrition, and a formal diagnosis requires one physical and one biological symptom.11 Food Safety Healthy Aging and Dietary Needs Relationship Between Aging and Sustainable Diets The meta-analyses found an association between all types of processed meat and nonprocessed red meat consumption and all-cause mortality.17 The researchers hypothesized this was due to the composition of the meat, in particular the elevated cholesterol, sodium, nitrates, nitrites, and type of fat.17 Replacing these types of animal-based proteins with plant-based proteins such as legumes and nuts, and whole grains may positively impact mortality rates.17 Dairy consumption had no association with mortality, while low-to-moderate seafood intake decreased all-cause mortality, particularly if one serving per day was consumed.17 This is attributed to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids in fish and the integrity they provide to cell membranes. Increased produce intake resulted in a similar decrease in mortality, particularly when five to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables were consumed daily.17 This decrease is thought to be due to antioxidants, fiber, and various phytochemicals.17 Macronutrient and Fluid Recommendations Educating older adults on what constitutes a healthful and appropriate diet in this life stage also is important. Many older adults believe they should follow broad public health advice for younger healthy adults, which includes consuming low-sugar and low-fat items and eating an abundance of produce.18 While fruits and vegetables certainly are important to the diet at any age, overconsumption of these foods added to a suppressed appetite may limit overall protein and energy consumption and lead to unnecessary or unintended weight loss.18 Protein Individuals should aim for 25 to 30 g dietary protein per meal, which is thought to be the ideal quantity to ensure adequate muscle protein synthesis.20 Decreases of roughly 30% to 50% of muscle mass are seen in those aged 40 to 80, which is the ideal time to regularly evaluate dietary patterns.20 Ideal dietary protein sources include lean meats, poultry, eggs, seafood, dairy, fortified soy products, and legumes.6 Fat Carbohydrates Fiber intake is an important consideration when increasing or changing carbohydrate intake. Up to 50% of older adults have chronic constipation, and currently there’s little existing research specific to laxative use in the older population.25 Untreated constipation can negatively influence quality of life and can cause incontinence, fecal impaction, and hospitalization. 25,26 This might be an embarrassing topic for individuals to broach unprompted, and conversations should be initiated by the interdisciplinary team, particularly physicians, nurses, or dietitians.26 If a laxative is needed to help alleviate constipation, older adults should opt for an osmotic laxative as opposed to a bulk-forming laxative because fluid needs also would increase; examples include milk of magnesia.26 A stool softener should have less impact on overall fluid intake but still may affect electrolyte balance; regularly assessing labs and dietary intake may be needed to help correct an imbalance.25 Fluids The 2020–2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans estimate that older adults consume roughly 16 oz less fluid per day than do adults under the age of 60.6 To help increase fluid intake, dietitians can encourage clients to add 100% unsweetened fruit or vegetable juice and low- or fat-free dairy and fortified soy beverages to their diets.6 The WHO, the US National Academy of Medicine, and the US National Center for Health Statistics recommend older adults consume 2.7 L or 3.7 L of fluid per day for women and men, respectively.28 Micronutrients of Concern Calcium Zinc Dietary sources of zinc include fish and other types of seafood, meat, and fortified or enriched foods like breakfast cereals. The WHO recommends women consume 3 mg and men consume 4.2 mg of high bioavailable zinc daily, with needs increasing as the quantity of zinc becomes less bioavailable. Phytate, a compound found in plants, limits the bioavailability of zinc and its subsequent absorption.33 Individuals who consume a plant-based diet are more likely to struggle with zinc absorption as their phytate intake is higher than an omnivore’s.33 Zinc is also more readily absorbed when consumed with or as an animal-based protein.33 Vitamin B12 Vitamin B12 requires intrinsic factor to be absorbed and properly utilized; a lack of B12 in the diet can lead to pernicious anemia and neurologic complications.35,38 Older adults who follow a strict vegan diet are most likely to become deficient in B12 if not properly supplemented.35 There’s no standardized diagnostic toolset to assess deficiency, but clinicians are encouraged to rely on available labs and physical symptoms when making supplement recommendations.37 Vitamin D KORA-Age Study Baseline data indicated that 47.7% of the participants weren’t physically active, 30.2% had a BMI in an obesity class, and 4.6% were frail.36 Nearly one-quarter of the population had one disease, and 66.8% had two; the authors acknowledged that gender, family support, education background, and alcohol consumption all influenced these statistics.36 After analysis, 52% of the participants had low vitamin D levels, though this was more common in women than men.36 In addition, 27.3% of participants were deficient in vitamin B12, which is more than the estimated 10% to 15% of older adults in the United States who have the same deficiency.36 Folic acid and iron deficiencies weren’t as common, at 8.7% and 11%, respectively.36 The researchers theorize that folic acid deficiency isn’t as common because of national folic acid fortification policies and individuals’ regular consumption of fortified foods.36 Iron deficiency in this population isn’t as robustly studied or well documented, but it’s estimated that anemia and deficiency generally is around 11%.36 Supplementation Plant-Based Approach to Aging A plant-based diet may aid in preventing age-related cognitive decline, as there’s an association between the types of foods featured in plant-based diets and their neuroprotective properties.42 Foods rich in antioxidants, polyphenols, vitamins, and fatty acids may improve focus and memory, decrease insulin resistance, and positively impact the gut microbiota.5 More research is needed to determine how, why, and what foods may be impactful or if it’s the overall interaction of many different fruits and vegetables working together that yield these results.5,20 The Blue Zones, or areas of the world where older adults live longer and healthier lives, emphasize the role of a plant-based diet in healthy aging.5 The Adventist Health Study 2 showed that after 5.79 years, the 96,000 individuals studied who consumed a vegetarian diet had a lower risk of total mortality.5,43 Other similar analyses emphasize this finding and also report a lower risk of cerebrovascular, cardiovascular, and kidney diseases as well as type 2 diabetes.5 The Nordic Diet and Quality of Life In contrast, a Nordic diet is associated with a high quality of life and preserved cognitive function, possibly because it boasts a higher concentration of omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and fluids.27,44 A Nordic diet is rich in nonroot vegetables; herbs; seaweed; high-fiber fruits like berries, apples, pears, and peaches; whole grains; poultry; fatty fish like herring, mackerel, salmon, and sardines; vegetable oil (primarily rapeseed); tea; and water.5,44 The primary source of calories should be plant based as opposed to animal based.9 This type of dietary pattern aligns with the notion of a sustainable diet, as the building blocks of the Nordic diet are organically and locally sourced products and limited in processed or refined foods.5 Areas of Future Research and Study Limitations A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition examined the quantity and type of protein consumed for five years by adults aged 70 to 79 to determine how it affected muscle mass in the thigh.45 The study determined that greater dietary consumption of total, animal-, or plant-based protein didn’t directly correlate to a change in muscle mass. The researchers recommended additional research be conducted to determine the ideal type and quantity of protein for muscle mass preservation in older adults.45 While studying protein’s impact, formulating studies that focus on subclinical micronutrient deficiencies, particularly serum iron, could be an important tool for better understanding the role of iron and wellbeing in an aging population.36 Putting It Into Practice The entire multidisciplinary team, especially case workers and nurses, can aid in the organization and establishment of screening services at local and national levels by utilizing food insecurity screening questions and coordinating care across a variety of transitional living situations.12 Though dietitians aren’t required to be involved in community-based food and nutrition programming for older adults at a local level, advocating for inclusion and participating in nutrition education at these programs can benefit participants. Acknowledging the eating environment of their older clients is important, as consuming food in a community setting is shown to improve intake and enjoyment.6 Healthy aging can be summarized as growing older but keeping a high quality of life, functionality, vitality, and overall well-being.16 Ultimately, it’s a journey that all individuals, regardless of age, are on together that is affected by their diets, environments, economic status, community support, and many more variables.3 It’s the position of the Academy that ongoing research is needed to provide evidence-based outcomes regarding nutrition screening, education, and assessment and the development of food and nutrition programs to aid in the prevention and treatment of illness related to aging.12 — Alexandria Hardy, RDN, LDN, is a content creator and a freelance food and nutrition writer based in Pennsylvania.
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