![]() November/December 2021
Curbing Cancer: Dietary Patterns Reduce Risk in Older Adults The whole diet is more important than individual nutrients. The risk of developing cancer varies from person to person based on exposure to both unique environmental influences and lifestyle. Although inherited genetic mutations play a role in about 5% to 10% of all cancers, a range of modifiable environmental and lifestyle factors can help to reduce cancer risk.1 The World Health Organization has suggested that almost 40% of all cancers can be prevented with attention to lifestyle, smoking avoidance, limiting alcohol, and exercise.2 As cancer continues to burden our society and health care system, it’s critical to practice intervention to reduce its incidence. Role of Diet in Cancer Red and processed meats are associated with an increased risk of cancer.5 The evidence is most compelling for colorectal cancer, where every 50 g per day of processed meat (for example, one hotdog, three strips of bacon, or 2.5 slices of baloney) consumed increases colorectal cancer risk by 16%; while every 100 g of red meat intake daily—about a 3.5-oz deck-of-cards–sized hamburger—increases colorectal risk by 12%. Processed meat has been altered by salting, curing, fermentation, smoking, or other methods to help preserve the meat or enhance its flavor. All types of mammal muscle are considered red meats, eg, beef, lamb, pork, veal, mutton, horse, and goat. Most processed meats are made from red meats (eg, salami, ham, hot dogs, chorizo) although other meats can be processed, such as chicken sausage, turkey bacon, and deli turkey. Meat is a good source of some essential nutrients, especially protein, iron, vitamin B12, and zinc, thus it doesn’t have to be fully excluded from the diet. Rather, the recommendation for red meat in the diet, especially when it comes to cancer, is to limit consumption to about three portions a week, totaling no more than 12 to 18 oz cooked weight.6 In practical terms, this would equate to 4 oz of hamburger, 4 to 6 oz of steak, or four to six slices of pork tenderloin. These recommendations were made to balance the advantages of eating red meat as a source of essential macro- and micronutrients with the disadvantages, specifically risk of colorectal cancer and other noncommunicable diseases. People who choose not to eat any meat at all can certainly obtain adequate amounts of its nutrients through other foods in a healthful diet. Poultry and seafood are healthier protein sources and contain essential nutrients. Plant foods are also healthy alternatives to red meat: Legumes are a good source of protein, iron is found in various plant foods (though it is less bioavailable than in meat), zinc can be obtained from whole grains, and vitamin B12 is found in fortified foods such as breakfast cereal. The recommendation concerning processed meat is to consume very little, if any. Martin Wiseman, international medical and scientific adviser to the World Cancer Research Fund, stated, “The evidence on processed meat and cancer is clear-cut. The data show that no level of intake can confidently be associated with a lack of risk.”7 Coffee is one of the most commonly consumed beverages worldwide. Due to its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, coffee has been suggested to protect against illnesses such as cancer that are precipitated by inflammation. A recent meta-analysis found increased coffee consumption to be associated with a decreased risk of developing both liver cancer and basal cell carcinoma. This same study confirmed an inverse relationship between consumption of dairy foods and colorectal cancer risk.8 Due to dairy’s high calcium concentration, calcium forms insoluble soaps in the colonic lumen by binding to tumor-promoting free fatty acids and bile acids. Weight Extra fat mass, as noted by a higher body mass index (BMI), greater waist circumference, and greater waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), significantly increases the risk for several cancers. Each five-point increase in BMI is associated with a 50% higher risk of endometrial cancer, 48% higher risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma, 30% higher risk of kidney cancer, 30% higher risk of liver cancer, 12% higher risk for postmenopausal breast cancer, 10% higher risk of pancreatic cancer, and 5% higher risk of colorectal cancer. For every four-inch increase in waist circumference, risks of cancers increased by 34% for esophageal adenocarcinoma; 11% for pancreatic cancer, kidney cancer, and postmenopausal breast cancer; 5% for endometrial cancer; and 2% for colon cancer. A healthy WHR is 0.9 or less for men and 0.85 or less for women. Every 0.1-unit WHR increase significantly increases the risk of esophageal adenocarcinoma by 38%, kidney cancer by 26%, endometrial cancer by 21%, pancreatic cancer by 19%, postmenopausal breast cancer by 10%, and colorectal cancer by 2%. During adulthood, every 11-lb increase in weight is significantly associated with a 16% higher risk of endometrial cancer and 6% higher risk of postmenopausal breast cancer.11 This association of obesity with cancer risk resembled recent results from researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine, who used a mouse model to determine that mice fed a Western diet rich in calories, fat, and cholesterol, progressively became obese, diabetic, and developed nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), which progressed to hepatocellular carcinoma and chronic kidney and cardiovascular disease. The study results showed that by simply changing from the Western diet to a normal chow diet—where calories are derived from proteins and carbohydrate rather than fats—and consuming no cholesterol, NASH and liver fibrosis were improved while cancer progression and mortality were prevented.12 Physical Activity Other research suggests that postmenopausal women who increase their physical activity to about an hour of brisk walking per day may also have a lower risk of breast cancer than do women who walk for less than an hour a week.15 As patients retire from their jobs, they can become more sedentary by spending extended amounts of time sitting, reclining, or lying down, which may increase cancer risk.16 Specifically, research on sedentary behavior that compared the highest with the lowest levels of sedentary time increased risks of endometrial, colon, and lung cancers by a statistically significant range of 20% to 35%.17 In an exercise intervention trial, 320 sedentary postmenopausal women were randomly assigned to perform aerobic activity for 3.75 hours per week or to maintain their usual activity level. After one year, estrogen levels were lower in the increased exercise group, although in other trials the hormones didn’t change significantly.18 Other randomized controlled trials sought to get postmenopausal women with overweight or obesity to lose weight, increase physical activity, or both.19 Women assigned to decrease calories had estrogen levels drop by 21%, while women who decrease calories and increased exercise had a 26% drop in estrogen. On average, the diet group lost 20 lbs while the diet plus exercise group lost 22 lbs. The exercise group demonstrated additional health benefits of lower levels of insulin and C-reactive protein inflammatory marker.18 Breast Cancer Lifestyle has been cited as a very powerful predictor for breast cancer, as the incidence increases when populations move to the United States from low-risk countries such as Japan and China.24 Diets high in antioxidant carotenoids, such as carrots, winter squash, and green leafy vegetables, are associated with a lower risk of breast cancer. Higher blood levels of carotenoids are indicative of increased fruit and vegetable consumption, thus lower cancer risk benefit might also be explained from a high produce intake and/or a healthy lifestyle.25 Dietary supplements likely wouldn’t have the same preventive influence. The carotenoid effect appears to be beneficial even in genetic variants of breast cancer. In the PREDIMED trial, women aged 60 to 80 given extra-virgin olive oil (EVOO) for five years demonstrated a 70% lower risk of breast cancer compared with those in a control group. However, this was a small group with only eight women in the EVOO group and 17 in control who were diagnosed with breast cancer during the study; thus, more data are needed to determine any influence of EVOO.26 A study of almost 80,000 French women tracked over an average of six years found that those who consumed the most added sugar, more than 10 teaspoons daily, had a 52% higher risk of postmenopausal breast cancer than did those who ate the least, less than four teaspoons daily.27 The effects of soyfoods on breast cancer have been controversial for years. In a 1996 pilot study, women who ate almost a pound of tofu daily for several months had more abnormal cells in their breasts compared with when they were given no soy.28 As many women began to avoid soyfoods, a larger 2013 study found no difference in abnormal cells.29 In Asian studies, where women’s diets are rich in soy, there was no increase in postmenopausal breast cancer. Dietary Supplements Alcohol Conclusion — KC Wright, MS, RDN, is a research dietitian advocating for sustainable foods and planetary health eating at wildberrycommunications.com.
• Diet, physical activity, and healthy weight management are key modifiable factors for breast cancer prevention. • Even modest amounts of weight loss maintained can make a significant difference. • A DASH or Mediterranean diet can be prescribed. o nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/dash-eating-plan o health.harvard.edu/blog/a-practical-guide-to-the-mediterranean-diet-2019032116194 o National Institute of Health/National Institute on Aging offers free colorful patient Smart Food Choices for Healthy Aging order.nia.nih.gov/publication/whats-on-your-plate o These diets promote whole, plant-based foods, and limit unhealthful fast or processed food. • Explain to older patients that physical activity can be acquired by performing household chores and leisure activities such as walking and swimming. Any movement of skeletal muscles that requires more energy than rest is helpful. • Evidence suggests that it’s never too late in life to benefit from physical activity. Advise patients to aim for 150 to 300 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking, dancing, biking, and using aerobic equipment. • Advise patients, if they drink alcohol, to limit themselves to one measured drink daily for women and no more than two measured drinks daily for men.
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