Brush Your Teeth — Postpone Alzheimer'sThe researchers have determined that gum disease (gingivitis) plays a decisive role in whether a person develops Alzheimer´s or not. "We discovered DNA-based proof that the bacteria causing gingivitis can move from the mouth to the brain," says researcher Piotr Mydel at Broegelmanns Research Laboratory, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen. The bacteria produce a protein that destroys nerve cells in the brain, which in turn leads to loss of memory and ultimately, Alzheimer´s. The study, “Porphyromonas gingivalis in Alzheimer’s disease brains: Evidence for disease causation and treatment with small-molecule inhibitors,” was published in Science Advances. Brush Your Teeth for Better Memory "Brush your teeth and use floss." Mydel adds that it is important, if you have established gingivitis and have Alzheimer´s in your family, to go to your dentist regularly and clean your teeth properly. New Medicine Being Developed "We have managed to develop a drug that blocks the harmful enzymes from the bacteria, postponing the development of Alzheimer´s. We are planning to test this drug later this year, Mydel says. Gingivitis Facts • The bacterium causes chronic infection in the gums, but can move to the brain where it can damage nerve cells in the brain. • Circa 50% of the population have this bacterium in one or another form. • Circa 10% of the ones having this bacterium will develop serious gum disease and loose teeth, and have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer´s disease. • In addition to Alzheimer’s, the bacterium is linked to rheumatism, COPD, and esophageal cancer. Source: University of Bergen |