Keys to the Locks: Assisted Living as an Incurred Claim to Satisfy the Medical Loss Ratio The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services gives states the opportunity to apply for federal Medicaid waivers to provide beneficiaries home and community-based services (HCBS) as alternatives to nursing homes. Medicaid waivers are used by many states to develop nursing home diversion/transition programs for those with dual-eligibility (recipients on Medicare and Medicaid) residing at home at risk of premature institutionalization or in nursing homes on long-term services and supports (LTSS). 1915(c) Waivers 1115 Waivers Some states use 1115 waivers for managed LTSS (MLTSS), fiscal arrangements between a state and managed care organizations (MCOs) that receive capitated payments to provide LTSS to members. However, due to the strict “budget-neutral” requirements, many states find 1115 waivers problematic for MLTSS development. For example, California, in 2014, used a 1115 waiver to establish the Coordinated Care Initiative (CCI), a MLTSS demonstration program in seven counties, with the plan to merge CCI with California Advancing and Innovating Medi-Cal (CalAIM), the state’s first step towards statewide MLTSS expected to begin in January 2022. California decided a 1115 waiver was not a viable option for CalAIM due to the strict “budget-neutral” guidelines. Instead, California chose to use In Lieu of Services (ILOS). ILOS is not required to be “budget neutral” but “cost-effective” and includes services “in lieu of” nursing for beneficiaries on LTSS in nursing homes or at risk of premature institutionalization. While there is no definitive list of allowable ILOS, many states frequently include housing deposits, housing transition navigation services, short-term posthospitalization housing, respite services, day habilitation programs, recuperative care, personal care, and homemaker services. ILOS also includes costs for nursing home diversion/transition set-up and payments for assisted living homes. ILOS and Medical Loss Ratio Requirements The federal government requires MLTSS MCOs meet a minimum MLR of 85%. This means that at least 85 cents of every premium dollar must be used for consumer claims and activities that improve the quality of care or providers risk facing fiscal penalties. The MLR is determined by the ratio of putting the incurred claims (eg, medical services, quality improvement, and fraud prevention) in the numerator and the plan revenue (eg, capitation payments, premiums, etc) in the denominator. The derived ratio indicates how much of the monies paid to the MCO by the state and federal government is utilized for patient services as opposed to administrative expenses, including profit margin. States and the federal government use the MLR as an oversite tool to ensure MCOs deliver high-quality and cost-efficient care to their consumers. MLR incurred claims include medical services but not administrative expenses. Since ILOS (eg, housing, assisted living) is nonmedical, MCOs participating with MLTSS were unclear on how they could recapture the ILOS costs. The federal government provided guidance to the states in their 2016 Medicaid Managed Care Final Rules by clarifying ILOS should be counted as incurred claims for MLR calculations. Applying assisted living as incurred claims towards the 85% MLR minimum threshold gives MLTSS MCOs sound fiscal incentives for developing program nursing home diversion/transition components (eg, establishing provider networks, consumer and provider outreach, contracting, care coordination, and care transition expenses). Despite the abundance of HCBS federal waivers, every year states continue paying millions of LTSS dollars for expensive institutions rather than for more affordable HCBS options while tens of thousands of low-income seniors seek an exit out of nursing homes and back into the community. Opening the locked doors that prevent nursing home diversion/transition requires having the right tools, like ILOS, that turn perfectly in the keyhole. — Jason Bloome is owner of Connections - Care Home Consultants, an information and referral agency for care homes for the elderly in California. |