Today's Geriatric Medicine welcomes timely and engaging articles on all subjects of interest to healthcare professionals in the field of aging. We encourage submission of feature articles for the print magazine and the Today's Geriatric Medicine Web site, letters to the editor, and submissions for the following magazine departments:
- Medication Monitor: Written by pharmacists with a specialization in geriatrics, the column addresses medication-related issues specific to older patients.
- Clinical News: Columns provide information related to cutting-edge treatments, innovative therapies, recent studies, and proven strategies specific to geriatrics physicians.
- Alzheimer’s Update: The department will focus on the latest developments in testing, treatment, and specialized therapies for Alzheimer’s disease patients.
- Innovations in Geriatrics: The department introduces and highlights new drug therapies; durable medical goods; and technological advances in treatment, diagnosis, and rehabilitation.
- Long-Term Care: The department will include news and updates on trends and treatment in long-term care settings.
- Nutrition: Columns provide information and insight into nutritional needs of and dietary recommendations for aging patients.
- Research Review: The column provides an overview of recent research relevant to geriatrics and longevity.
- Vintage Voices: Written by prominent experts in the field of geriatrics, the column provides personal perspectives on a topic of the author’s choice related to aging and longevity.
Queries, Abstracts, and Outlines:
A one-page query, abstract, or outline of your story idea is preferred. Please e-mail your proposal to the editor at TGMeditor@gvpub.com. A submitted query, abstract, or outline will be read only if the e-mail includes the author's full name; credentials, academic degree, title, and affiliation (if any); postal address, daytime phone number, and e-mail address. (Information is for verification, not publication.)
Manuscript Submission:
Queries and articles should be sent via e-mail as Microsoft Word attachments. A manuscript must list the author's full name, affiliations, highest academic degree, complete mailing address, daytime phone number, e-mail address, and Social Security number. (Information is for verification, not publication.) If there is more than one author, please provide information for each contributor and designate one author to handle correspondence. If submitting a manuscript, include a signed statement that the article is original, has not been published elsewhere, and is not under consideration by any other publication or electronic medium. Also include a brief author biography.
As a general guideline, feature articles for the magazine typically run between 2,200 to 2,500 words while departments and Web exclusives run between 1,300 to 1,700 words. Authors are encouraged to submit sidebars with feature article submissions.
Information from other published works should be completely and accurately referenced according to The Publication Manual of the American Medical Association. Do not list references not cited in the text. Provide a list of any individuals interviewed for the article and include the interviewee's full name, title, affiliation, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address.
Submission of photographs, charts, tables, and other graphics is encouraged. Please submit any artwork or other graphics along with a statement of originality. If the artwork has been previously published, or is based upon previously published material, written permission from the copyright holder to reproduce or adapt that artwork must be submitted. Consent forms must be provided by any individuals identifiable in photographs. Photographs may be submitted as glossy prints or electronically as JPEG, TIFF, PDF, or EPS files. Images must have at least 300 dpi resolution and be a minimum of 4 inches x 6 inches. All photos, tables, and other graphics should be clearly labeled and captioned. Tables should be numbered in order of their citation in the article.
Writer Responsibilities:
Writers are solely responsible for the content of submitted articles. Today's Geriatric Medicine accepts no responsibility for inaccuracies in manuscripts or references. It is the writer's responsibility to notify us of any potential conflict of interest with respect to submitted articles and to acknowledge affiliation with any organization or entity mentioned in the text and/or financial interest in any subject matter, organization, or product discussed.
While the editors will attempt to preserve the writer's voice whenever possible, all accepted manuscripts or letters to the editor will be edited for space and clarity according to our style and format.